Author: fredd

Adapting LGJ: “I friggin’ love it”

Adapting LGJ: “I friggin’ love it”

A new Le Grand Jeu customization in the wild and the first independent players group. We set out to know more.

EUROFusion: Power to the People

EUROFusion: Power to the People

Le Gran Jeu meets Eurofusion After the invitation of LeGrandJeu to the EUROfusion Expo ‘Fusion, Power to the People’ and the design week-sprint to customized the game, carried out in January 2020 with a group of nuclear physicists of the Danish Technological University, COVID happened! 

PermaCoin – game 2

PermaCoin – game 2

LGJ PermaCoin

Below the notes from 2 different games, the 7th and the 14th of december. We had already recounted the game of the 7th and you can refer to that account for a short introduction to the series of games that we are performing with this scenario and the motivations.


  • 2 continents:
    • 2 different bioregions (natural features, soil erosion level, CC effects),
    • 2 different economies (national tresuries, initial converion rate of 1:3, chemical agriculture from big corporate in one continent)
  • Players inherit as a start big/small land with established production
  • Land value floats according to level of regeneration
  • Planetary boundaries: level of air pollution is HIGH, 50 is death (Climate Change: now passing 390 ppmv CO2 in the atmosphere)

Rule of victory

To win this game you have to keep your part of the world from collapsing, contributing to the decreasing of the grey indicator. No one has to “die”. Is therefore a collaborative game.

14 december LGJ PermaCoin round 4-5

Players: Paula (DLT, fashion, Berlin), Gaia (Trieste), Cristina (liguria), Gijs (india)
Observer: Raffa
Language used: english
master: Fredd


  • (Antonio) – Orange/yellow – 60h Farm is played as a NPC (nonplayer character (NPC): A character controlled by the Master)
  • NPCs (Eco-chain) (Gregory) – Blue – Blockchain
  • Cristina – (Forest Gardener) (Grace) – Green – Veggie garden
  • Paula – Red – Farm
  • Gaia (Chemical Farm) (Will) – Purple – Chemical farm
  • Gijs – Immigrant – Little shop in the north

Round 1

  • Gaia (Chemical Farm) – she wants a plastic farm: collect plastic in the wasteland and create objects for the south. she asks for money to the green fund to collect plastic. approved she got (3 whites) 12 greens.
  • Paula – supporting with basic research with the plastic farm/regeneration. 4 greens. shape the institute with greens
  • Cristina (Forest Gardener) – not a good time she sells a land and get 3w, paula buys it. cristina asks for help to handle her forest: paula offers to make energy with the river, gaia offers labs for bio-pharma (chemical but trendy)-> cri chooses Gaia
  • Fredd (eco-chain) – creates more greens
  • Raffa (Biergarten) – donate 2 whites green fund

Round 2

LGJ event 16 Investments are available, make your pitch. Plastic farm eats 1w 1g makes 4w

  • immigrant – set up a methan plant
  • chem farm –

after play NOTES:

  • there has been a spreading of the Green coin even if not always clear what it is used for and how, it managed to save first the chemical farmer and then the sociocracy in the north. The most relevant thing is that the coin backed up by the local administration worked seamlessly to generate flow of values in the local economy and saw a wide adoption by the players.
  • The master decides to fork the game and keep the end situation of the first game with mostly new players. Taxes are low (dice throw favourable to the players)

So the game first round is to take over the situation left at the end of the first match.

  • In the North administration we see a interesting political development. The red player, Paula, that played a regeneration popular movement with the occupation of chemically farmed land, the ecovillage close to the wasteland, the industrially farmed land that is approaching a go green policy but has no cash and the arrival of the fist wave of migration from the south.
  • Gaia takes over the big extension of property that was cultivated as a chemically based farm (violet); As we saw at the end of game one, this farm, that occupy a vast part of the east side of the north bioregion suffers of a lack of liquidity that blocks any possible activity but the political one. The political climate was set when the red player occupied part of the land and the previous management decided to go along with this occupation. To get cash enough to make some money chemFarm pushes a plan to the administration, to start up a farm that converts plastic to new materials and build that on the land. She has a good argument within the council and gets a go from the other players, with some doubts from Paula. The master allows the chemFarm to get access on this plan to the green coin adding some white to the found. With the green coin that the chemFarm can farm the land and pay taxes, replenishing her wallets. There is a bit of perplexity on if this manouver is in the spirit of the regeneration found.
  • A new player is introduced as “migrant from south to north”. The role is taken over by Gijs. His “result throw” is excellent so the master allows him to come in the game with 2d6 of white, no property and 1d6 of gray. Could be a first wave emigration. To be a worker he has been modeled as such: he generates 1G, needs 1W to work and has a yeald of 1d4-2 Whites. This is because a migrant worker, even if is legal, lives in a state of economic fragility that “burns” the value he can carry with him. He is able to buy a little shop in the north ans settle. The player tries to find is niche as a go between for the investments in the south bioregion, either via “cousins” or profiting from the conversion rate from the coin value in the north or in the south. To be sure not to miss any opportunity he as well sets up a methane farm, that has to be modeled better by the master, but has the effect to store some CO2 somehow and allows him to get on the green coin.
  • The farm in the south in the mean time is in difficulty. Cristina has no cash. She is forced to sell one third of her land. For the same price that she would get from the market in the souther region she decides to sell to a buyer from the north. Is interesting to unpack her reasoning. The buyer from the north imports a white to the south, that becomes 3W and buy the land making it a export asset. She manages to farm using green coin (her practice being regenerative she can access to the found) but still decides to follow the alluring proposals of the chemical farmers and let her establish a “research center” close to her forest.
  • The Red player (Paula) once she settle her “restorative Research Institute” has an attempt to occupy more land from the Chemincal Farmer conglomerate but she fails and loses the support of the administration and part of her popularity and base. The support of the activists evaporated in a throw of dices! So she seems to think about how to check the ethical use of the green money, that nevertheless pumps in all the players on the base of immediate advantage: a coin put in the found is 4 coins in the green!
  • The Blockchain fintech (NPG played by the master) pumps green coin hashes in the system and does not to much else in the two vorticous round were the adoption of the coin happens.

At the end of the two hours we saw this situation developing along those lines:

  • the chem farm (Gaia) pushed by loss of liquidity goes in the direction of green tech using (maybe misusing) the green coin for the purpoise but with the agreement of the local government. She was propelled as well from a favourable LGJ Event card that sayed “push your investment ideas, LGJ foundings ahead”
  • the red movement (Paula) goes in the direction of “putting under scrutiny the activities of the capital” by controlling the science through her research center
  • the ecovillage/regeneration private enterprise (Cristina) is functioning and tries to map resources on a smaller scale using her own forces
  • some activities to reconvert the gray seem to work but is not the primary focus of the players to do so
  • the migration is an important factor of communication between the two bioregions and guides the investments when it can count on resources. We call the migrant player “the mafia” even if is not doing anything criminal, just because is favouring connections
  • No one yet used some of the natural carachteristics of the bioregion when the green cash fell in, the river south and the mountains north. The two players that are using permaculture strategies and were first movers are actually less prone to embark on the government/bank backed up green currency and use it to invest and seem to lose momentum.

Anyway what happened at the end might be DEATH:

  • The global GRAY grows from this activity and if we count the grays at the end on the table they are more than 50 so technically, even if the ecomomy is prospering there is the doubt that the game is over and everyone will die quietly. To a economic transition that does not focus on regeneration the first effect is a global growth of waste. A spiralling inevitable downworth path? Is it reversible still? but we have material for reflection…

Events in near future IN THE GAME:

  • round 6 a LGJ card has to be taken again
  • round 5 the regeneration of lands in chem farmed north is over and land can be considered as such


Table with values per round of coins possession that shows the money adoption in round 4/5

rounds/entityPlayer namestart12345
Grace/Veggie FarmForestGardener3-03-2-1
A sort of account of the financial movements and coin circulation. Can be useful, should be automatic

Functioning of the Green Coin Scheme

Is shown with the notes that summarises the “contracts” and with the round 5 values inclusive the “global CO2 level”

The green coin scheme, very interesting for future developments

Round 5 picture

Our table at the end of game

Bavarian Digital Ministry

Bavarian Digital Ministry

In Munich we played at the Digital Ministry and the scenario we created drew closely from the themes of the invited: We had Tim Christiansen of the Digital Ministry at the table, motivated to learn how the elements and mechanics of Le Grand Jeu maps 

Token Engineering and DAO Community

Token Engineering and DAO Community

Scenario When Le Grand Jeu met Token Engineering, it was love at first sight. The “hands-on tool to co-design sustainable micro-economies empowered by crypto-currency” was discovered by the Token Engineering Community and opened up interesting conversations about investments, ownership, wealth, energy, externalities, token economy, system dynamics and 

LGJ-Down Under

LGJ-Down Under

Players: Sebnem, Jeff, Jason, Cem
Master: Fredd
started 9:00 CEST —>23:30

Game Dynamics

  • White = money, energy, electricity, good things
  • Grey = waste, co2, bad karma
  • Rainbow = local currency created on a bonding curve with 4x leverage (proposed by player)
  • Tax of 2 white per turn (rolled)
  • proposal for next game Town COUNCIL: do you want to use a credit union?


A valley with two small towns united in the same administrative unit. Climate is dry. The township on the right has a pumping station from a close by lake.

first things on the map

  • Fish restaurant with a boat
  • coffee plantation
  • solar plant
  • customer production farm


Local currency

  • allows to buy local preferencing to buy local
  • mapping values


  • How can one business start a local currency? Vouchers. People will recognize the use. The issuer can be beside a group or an agreement that is independent and recognized as tread-ready
  • Propose that lone valley ridge to create a new currency, the rainbow currency, the city puts 5W to generate 20R (at 4x leverage) that are distributed to the participants to save some from starvation
  • Alternative: Proposal to turn municipal account to cooperative credit union
  • what additional actions does this give players?
  • Credit clearance
  • Value flow is a bit complex to implement in game dynamics (e.g. 5% fee difficult to represent with game pieces)
  • Model is with loyalty rewards for commerce that can be reused between other villages (local tokens) incentive is to localise. From merchant to village is de-localisation. there is a bonus to localise and fee to take it out.
  • Sharing across domains you have for example business
  • the “festival” as a perfect case

A pivot: “how we think of money: income /spending alternative to income and spending is an agreement to offer savings”

Subscription: energy/coffee/bus/ other services or product could be by subscription. Saves costs and offer discount

when you have a payment platform, as an accounting system shared and trusted between people. (es square/paypal), so it is an accounting platform, that once is set up can offer subscription models and discounts

Staking is 2.0 of subscription is “common holding of wealth”

Network leverage of subscription model: My coffee plantation offers 20% off to all subscribers who also support public good X (e.g. clean energy production initiative)


  • list of descriptions that people can read
  • possibility to give some things as given so the stories emerges that people cares about
  • put some elements that lead the players is a bit closing down the situation like is a real simulation
  • two things could be have discounts between two cities
  • as well logistics could play a role
LGJ – Messina

LGJ – Messina

This post is in ITALIAN because the game happeed using this language. LGJ – Messina Players Pierpaolo Zampieri Mose’ Previti Giuseppe Morgana e RE Serena Giovanni Bono (albergatore-imprenditore) Milazzo – Assente Master: freddOsservatore: Raffa, Giovanni Bono, Luca Scenario “Strettonia” Sistemato uno scenario metaurbano, c’e’ il 

LGJ Pandemic

LGJ Pandemic

LGJ Pandemic Edition: COVID-XX Notes 29 March 2020Situation On 29 March, 6 players tuned in from Berlin, Amsterdam and Copenhagen to play online and develop a new scenario for LGJ themed “Pandemics: COVID-XX”. This is the story of the 3 hours game. It includes suggestions 

Dublin Digital hub

Dublin Digital hub

Two days of co-design and exploration with legrandjeu and a group of enthusiasts commoners in the hart of Dublin. Perfectly organised by John Lynch and Taja Naidoo at the Dublin Digital Hub that guested us.
Big stories from day one, that I will post here in the comments.

for masters we have a telegram group (to exchange stories) go to

John has published as well his own account of the experience of the workshop. He writes:

First “Le Grand Jeu” a captivating board game with elements of role playing, monopoly, democracy and much more. Together in groups, and led initially by the games master Federico Bonelli ( we played through multiple scenarios including pressing environmental challenges, individualist capitalist economies and environmentally conscious business communities.

You can find it here:

IUAV Venice

IUAV Venice

Le Grand Jeu has been invited to perform at IUAV in Venice, for a master class to U-Rise students. It has been a very interesting meeting. The U-Rise master focuses on Urban Regeneration, and has been quite a ride to propose to master students bottom-up