Author: fredd

Le Grand Jeu at “Trame del Futuro” – Genova Blue District, March 16-17

Le Grand Jeu at “Trame del Futuro” – Genova Blue District, March 16-17

Last weekend, “Le Grand Jeu” found its place within the inspiring setting of “Trame del Futuro” at Genova Blue District, an event dedicated to weaving visions of the future through collaboration, creativity, and innovation. I was there as part of Ogigia Zena, a wonderful new 

SPES project: A New Collaboration for Le Grand Jeu

SPES project: A New Collaboration for Le Grand Jeu

We’re excited to unveil the LGJ-SPES Scenario. SPES stands for SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCES, EVIDENCE & SCENARIOS and is a project Funded by European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme that harnass a lot of brain power to re-imagine the future. Federico have worked with a group of researchers 

LGJ Taiwan

LGJ Taiwan

Notes for the definition of a scenario for the game to be held the 16th of August 2020 in remote connection. NB some problems in using, ended up using google meeting. Players: Hsiaoying, WU Nien-Cheng (Nancy), PENG Mei-Chi, LIN Tsu-Wen, Laucu (in Taiwan, various 

LGJ meets The Green Silk Road

LGJ meets The Green Silk Road

This summer, Federico joined the Green Silk Road (GSR) Summer School as an invited artist, contributing to the school’s collaborative and exploratory atmosphere. He took part in the school’s activities and shared *Le Gran Jeu*, a game designed to explore possible futures, with the other 

About design

About design

Federico recently participated to a conference and his contribution has been deemed valuable for publication. Federico wrote a paper to contribute to the conference organized by the Arab Democratic Institute of Berlin and two Universities in Tunisia. The paper was accepted for presentation and got 

Adapting LGJ: “I friggin’ love it”

Adapting LGJ: “I friggin’ love it”

A new Le Grand Jeu customization in the wild and the first independent players group. We set out to know more.

EUROFusion: Power to the People

EUROFusion: Power to the People

Le Gran Jeu meets Eurofusion After the invitation of LeGrandJeu to the EUROfusion Expo ‘Fusion, Power to the People’ and the design week-sprint to customized the game, carried out in January 2020 with a group of nuclear physicists of the Danish Technological University, COVID happened! 

School of Architecture for Childrens

School of Architecture for Childrens

SOUper Summer School Alassio Posted on 26 June 2021 The second meeting, yesterday afternoon in Alassio, for the first edition of the SOU Summer School, the new summer format of the Architecture School for Children at Farm Cultural Park, curated by SOUper, the non-profit association 

PermaCoin – game 2

PermaCoin – game 2

LGJ PermaCoin Below the notes from 2 different games, the 7th and the 14th of december. We had already recounted the game of the 7th and you can refer to that account for a short introduction to the series of games that we are performing 

Bavarian Digital Ministry

Bavarian Digital Ministry

In Munich we played at the Digital Ministry and the scenario we created drew closely from the themes of the invited: We had Tim Christiansen of the Digital Ministry at the table, motivated to learn how the elements and mechanics of Le Grand Jeu maps