LGJ Monday: PermaCoin!

LGJ Monday: PermaCoin!

Report on first DLT/Permacoin LGJ game. Considering the collective interest and action to fight climate change leveraging land regeneration practices and blockchain/distributed governance, on December the 7th, 2020 we decided to create an ad-hoc LGJ scenario and to gather around the table a group of 



A special edition of LeGrandJeu was commissioned by the EUROfusion Communication Department to open the EUROfusion Expo in 2021 and to provide the scientists responsible for communication in the different European countries with an engaging tool to talk about the complex nature of fusion energy. 

Bavarian Digital Ministry

Bavarian Digital Ministry

In Munich we played at the Digital Ministry and the scenario we created drew closely from the themes of the invited: We had Tim Christiansen of the Digital Ministry at the table, motivated to learn how the elements and mechanics of Le Grand Jeu maps 

Token Engineering and DAO Community

Token Engineering and DAO Community

Scenario When Le Grand Jeu met Token Engineering, it was love at first sight. The “hands-on tool to co-design sustainable micro-economies empowered by crypto-currency” was discovered by the Token Engineering Community and opened up interesting conversations about investments, ownership, wealth, energy, externalities, token economy, system dynamics and 

Dublin Digital hub

Dublin Digital hub

Two days of co-design and exploration with legrandjeu and a group of enthusiasts commoners in the hart of Dublin. Perfectly organised by John Lynch and Taja Naidoo at the Dublin Digital Hub that guested us. Big stories from day one, that I will post here 

IUAV Venice

IUAV Venice

Le Grand Jeu has been invited to perform at IUAV in Venice, for a master class to U-Rise students. It has been a very interesting meeting. The U-Rise master focuses on Urban Regeneration, and has been quite a ride to propose to master students bottom-up 

Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab

Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab

18 of November, in New Taipei Town, Fred was a guest of the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab for a day workshop- jam session- on tactics for involvement and strategies for co-design. He was traveling to Taiwan together with a good representative of the dyne.org crew. 

Dark Matter Games, Venice Biennale

Dark Matter Games, Venice Biennale

LGJ was invited to participate to Dark Matter Games , a coproduction of SALE Doks and Workspacebrussels, a flemish organisation based in Bruxelles that is interested in social/art/interventions. “Dark Matter Games” is an art project that aims to develop and present innovative and socially engaged art