LGJ Taiwan

Notes for the definition of a scenario for the game to be held the 16th of August 2020 in remote connection. NB some problems in using meet.jit.si, ended up using google meeting.
Players: Hsiaoying, WU Nien-Cheng (Nancy), PENG Mei-Chi, LIN Tsu-Wen, Laucu (in Taiwan, various locations)
Mastering: Fredd (setup of the game)
The scenario
We started with a simple periferic zone of land, with basic urbanisation, a mountain and some hills. North and West is the sea, south and east there is wasteland and uncharted territory (see image).
The administration of the land is permissive, tax is low (1W), value of the land is low (2W).
There is basic services, water, grid, roads on most of the land.
A landmark, the top of the hill is private property, owned by a player.
The game setup (3 rounds)
Hsiao-Ying had some buiding on the top of hill that she started transforming into a museum. She was not lucky from the beginning with the status of her project, the museum. She tried to sensibilise the populatiuon but with very low result. She is not descouraged because the museum gives her enough to live.
Nancy inherited some land and a farm. She had very little money in the beginning and had no idea how to run a farm and found herselve to be very poor and not knowing how to survive. She sold one of the farm land for nothing. She tried to move to political action, demanding from the assembly of the land some work for the poor. She got passed a law that agreed on giving social work for 2W to the unemployed (or loosely defined poors) but had to rise the taxes to 2W to al lthe others.
Mei Chi (please fill)
LIN Tsu-Wen, Laucu Teamed up (please fill)
Oyster farm: produces 1d8 of precious export luxury food. Is sensitive to pollution of the water, has low cost of maintenance
The museum, had only a 40% sucess in the first throw, but occupied a scenic place, so I gave 2W to make it up (a small museum on family owned land and with stuff found or part of existing collection), 1d4 of yeald (from turism) and 1W to run
Bakery, throw was 10, gave a lot of sucess to start with, luxe bread, novelty, probably in the system of the area there is filthy rich people (oysters, bread) anyway modeled with 1W and 1G to operate and 1d8 yeald
Organic restaurant, family run, 2W to operate, made in owned property, uses local products, produces 1G of waste, yealds 1d6W when operational
A low security prison that uses art as means of re-education (sucess rate throw 6/10), modeled as giving high income (1d8) but only when full and at creation is 3/4th full
Hsiao-Ying after first failure in creating her type of community around the museum invested in research over the lore and uses of the community and bettered her chance (+3) on further throws
a policy for local culture came in place that consisted in a subsidised 100% of cultural related works by main covernment if people were good enough in compiling the necessary bureaucracy (50% chance throw).
in the first rounds players did not see the possibility to cooperate or to circulate economy through mutual interests
a player (mei-chi) became rich very fast and considered keeping her grays low by organising beach-cleaning parties
One player group (Laucu and LinTsu-Wen) considered using the local cultural policy to transform their old and inefficient lumber mill into a prison that could re-educate people through arts (to get the bonus from the government).
Game related considerations
The remote play setup does not show well enough the existence of a general economy versus the local one. Adding and subtracting money is a bit cumbersome and not transparent enough
Scenario – Setup
a frame shot of the scenario at the end of the setup phase (3 rounds)
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