Tag: Game

LGJ Taiwan

LGJ Taiwan

Notes for the definition of a scenario for the game to be held the 16th of August 2020 in remote connection. NB some problems in using meet.jit.si, ended up using google meeting. Players: Hsiaoying, WU Nien-Cheng (Nancy), PENG Mei-Chi, LIN Tsu-Wen, Laucu (in Taiwan, various 

Auroville LGJ pilot asks foundational questions

Auroville LGJ pilot asks foundational questions

In preparation for a large scale program of embodied experiences prompting participants to ask foundational questions about Life on Earth a small group of friends in the intentional community of Auroville, South India, tested out the potential of LGJ. Learn more about the magic power 

Dark Matter Games, Venice Biennale

Dark Matter Games, Venice Biennale

LGJ was invited to participate to Dark Matter Games , a coproduction of SALE Doks and Workspacebrussels, a flemish organisation based in Bruxelles that is interested in social/art/interventions. “Dark Matter Games” is an art project that aims to develop and present innovative and socially engaged art