EUROFusion: Power to the People

Le Gran Jeu meets Eurofusion
After the invitation of LeGrandJeu to the EUROfusion Expo ‘Fusion, Power to the People’ and the design week-sprint to customized the game, carried out in January 2020 with a group of nuclear physicists of the Danish Technological University, COVID happened!
LGJ moved online like most of our activities. We played interesting scenarios of pandemic, climate change, permaculture, etc. and finally the time came for us to get back to our LGJFusion.
We updated our scenarios, we made beautiful boxes and we went to Marseille, where the Fusion Expo was launched, to try out a pilot game!
For more insight have a look to the video and to the materials of the scenarios free to play that we have prepared to enact the future of energy with LGJ.