Tag: portfolio

Dublin Digital hub

Dublin Digital hub

Two days of co-design and exploration with legrandjeu and a group of enthusiasts commoners in the hart of Dublin. Perfectly organised by John Lynch and Taja Naidoo at the Dublin Digital Hub that guested us. Big stories from day one, that I will post here 

IUAV Venice

IUAV Venice

Le Grand Jeu has been invited to perform at IUAV in Venice, for a master class to U-Rise students. It has been a very interesting meeting. The U-Rise master focuses on Urban Regeneration, and has been quite a ride to propose to master students bottom-up 

Le Jeu on Medium

Le Jeu on Medium

Raffaella published an interesting view over the game on Medium com.

She writes:

After 3 years of co-design of the game our goal is to use it to open our mind to the concept of crypto businesses: what kind of organizations can they enable? How can we use it to create a different kind of economy: fairer, transparent, sustainable on the long run? In an interesting post M.Maples stated “blockchains and crypto businesses can drive the standard of living forward even faster, by creating a new type of abundance centered around the wealth of the Commons. But we have to think bigger, beyond traditional corporate structures. We need 21st Century JP Morgans, Rockefellers, and Carnegies”. When we started to design the game we were following the illustrious example of Elisabeth Phillips that actually designed Landlord’s Game, aka Monopoli, as a protest against the big monopolists of her time — people like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller.

You can find her whole article here: https://medium.com/@r.rovida81/le-grand-jeu-is-a-hands-on-tool-to-co-design-sustainable-micro-economies-empowered-by-261ee906decf

a worth read!